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Cooking With Kids was created in
2010 by Cookie Johnson, and we continue to create delicious and fun family friendly recipes. We hope to inspire you to enjoy the healthy cooking and baking recipes we post and to improve your skills in the kitchen.
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Share a recipe from the blog or an original one of your own, and add a description of the recipe and some photography.Hey guys, this is Kelby and today
I'm sharing with you my thoughts on
how to change your home from a
corporate headquarters into a happy
home. As I'm sure you know, many
modern day architects do incorporate
home offices into their designs and
that's awesome but we all know that
unless you are working from home
you probably still want to have a
full house to come home to at the end
of the day. So how can you start to
create more of a happy home
experience in your own home?
Well I'm going to go over how I
started the process of bringing more
home life into our home and how I
added more family friendly
amenities into our home. I've already
gone over the steps that I took with
our master bathroom and today I'm
going to go over a few other places
that I want to have more home life
in. I've got a great example of what
I mean in my own home. The kitchen
and dining room are the two places in
our home that are my favorite to be
in every day. There is a whole list
of places I love to be in our home
but the kitchen and dining room have
a little more family friendly
amenities to them than most other
places in our home. This
first thing I want to talk about is
to bring back a little more life
in the dining room. The dining room
is so often a place where we
strategically plan our meals for the
day and where we have some of our
family time. A lot of the time we
want to sit down for dinner but I
always think that we should really
start our day in the morning ac619d1d87
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